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    Dr. Jamie Velazquez

    Wife + Mom of 2 Boys

    Aspiring Pharmapreneur

    Pharmacist | Content Creator

    Founder | Contributing Author

    Who am I?

    Hello, I'm Jamie, a pharmacist, content creator, contributing author to the upcoming book 'Losing Weight, Gaining Life: A Complete Guide to Overcoming Obesity,' and the proud founder of 'The Well-Rounded Pharmacist.' My mission is to empower my community with the knowledge they need to make well-informed decisions about their health and wealth. Like many after graduating from pharmacy school, I faced a daunting pile of student loans. I'm no stranger to the weight of debt, and I understand how stressful it can be. But by putting into practice the principles shared in this eBook, our journey led to the complete payoff of our substantial debt in a short period of time. We did it and I know you can too!

    What will you learn in my eBook?

    • Budgeting Fundamentals
    • Debt Management Strategies
    • Mastering Student Loan Repayment
    • Money-Saving Techniques
    • Setting and Achieving Financial Goals
    • Investing 101
    • Growing Your Earnings
    • Work-Life Balance
    • Extra Resources